Canine Treadmill
We have a canine Fit-Fur-Life treadmill available, which we use to help keep dogs fit and healthy. The treadmill is used for a variety of applications including:
To keep dogs at peak fitness they need to have a totally controlled exercise regime. The treadmill can be used with a regime that is tailor made to your dogs individual needs ensuring that the exercise they receive is stress free, and gentle on limbs and joints, whilst improving/maintaining the dogs fitness level. The treadmill has a variable incline adjuster and a delicate speed adjuster, it has built in safety features including a none slip surface & safety cut off. Veterinary treatment of injuries When working with a Veterinary Surgeon the treadmill can help a dog to recover from an injury by giving it exercise which ensures the rehabilitation of locomotion under carefully controlled, variable conditions. The treadmill regime set out for a dog can help to:
After your dog has suffered an injury or recovering from and operation the treadmill can be used to help:
The treadmill can be used to improve your dogs fitness and condition by:
Please ring for more details. |
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